Wappen Andreas R. Hassl
ex register

Quot homines, tot sententiae

Publius Terentius Afer, 195 - 158 vChr

responsa mea ex potestate publica parasitorum causa

1998 - 2025

Official reports are reports and test results which I have written in my function as a civil servant expert and examiner. An official report as an expert opinion is a well-founded judgment by an expert on a question that requires specialist knowledge to be answered. An official report is a metho­dical­ly com­pre­hensible pro­duct in the form of a report with an eva­lua­tion. An expert opinion typically contains repre­sen­tations of empiri­cal state­ments and the deri­vation of con­clusions for the purpose of asses­sing an event or condition. The report serves as a decision-making aid for the client. Almost all of my official reports are written in the German language. A total of 64 official reports have been issued by me since the recording began in 1998. The added value from this is attri­but­able to my respective client, the Republic of Austria or out­sourced insti­tutions such as the Medical Uni­versity of Vienna.