nihil tam difficile est, quin quaerendo investigari possit
Publius Terentius Afer, 195 - 158 v.Chr.
institutional projects done by me
Table of contents:
Projects are cruches for labour organisation forms, which do not function steadily creatively and monitoring-free. Thinking, driven by project work, is thus an alien act in the producing of a school of scientists, and unworthy to an intellectually free scholar. Nevertheless the processing of extrinsic = institutional projects is commonly used - just like the piling of Impact Points - as performance criterium for university teachers, and experience in the execution of institutional projects is demanded in the privat curriculum. Therefore the institutional projects, processed by me, are listed here and described briefly, usually in the linqua franca of science, the English language.
M3.1 list of projects
No. | Project-Identifier | start | end | principal | legal form | brief description | monetary approach | written results |
I | OeNB 17134 | 01.04.2017 | 31.01.2018 | Central Bank of Austria and Austrian Archaeological Institute | mandatum & ad personam | Pollen from Ephesus: A contribution to the environmental and vegetation history of Asia Minor | 121 276 € |
II | SA 794 Z0001 | 01.01.2005 | 30.06.2008 | Clinical Institute of Hygiene and Medical Microbiology | § 27 UG 2002 | diagnostic expertising | ca. 4 260 400 € |
III | BMH1 CT92-1535 | 01.03.1993 | 31.12.1995 | European Economic Community, BIOMED I Programme | ad personam | Impact of Toxoplasma gondii strain differences on serological diagnosis and disease in AIDS patients with cerebral toxoplasmosis and in other groups of patients | ca. 532 940 ECU |
IV | P7151-MED | 1989 | 1991 | Austrian Scientific Research Support Fond | subcenturiatus | Toxoplasma and toxoplasmosis | n.d. |
V | G4/00/So | 16.10.1998 | 01.11.2000 | Office of the Lower Austrian Government Health and Social Affairs Group; Department of Environmental Hygiene | mandatum | Investigations on the occurrence of cryptosporidia oocysts or other selected parasites in some Lower Austrian water resources | n.d. |
VI | BMH1 CT92-1572 | 01.03.1993 | 31.12.1995 | European Economic Community, BIOMED I Programme | auxiliarius | To develop and evaluate new technologies for the diagnosis of toxoplasmosis in pregnancy, the fetus and the newborn child. | 519 204 ECU |
M3.2 Eigene Publikationen, zum Thema passend
- A060 Hassl A, Müller WA, Aspöck H [1991]: An identical epitope in Pneumocystis carinii and Toxoplasma gondii causing serological cross reactions. Parasitol Res 77: 351-2.
- A073 Hassl A, Aspöck H [1992]: In vitro propagation of Toxoplasma gondii in PC-I serum-free medium. Folia parasitol 39: 285-6.
- A103 Hassl A, Manafi M, Sommer R, Kundi M, Aspöck H [1994]: Characterization and check of identity of different strains of Toxoplasma gondii by enzymatic profiling. J Protozool Res 4: 48-55.
- A107 Hassl A, Tuma W [1995]: Toxoplasmosis diagnosis in pregnant women infected with human immunodeficiency virus I. Ped Inf Dis J 14: 1016-7.
- A309a Hassl AR, Brückner H, Dsikowitzky L, Heiss AG, Knipping M, Laermanns H, Pichler B, Pint A, Sauer R, Stock F, Ladstätter S [2018]: Helminth Egg Deposition in the Antique Harbour of Ephesos. Abstractband der 36. Jahrestagung der Österr Ges Hyg Mikrobiol Präventivmed. 04.-07.06.2018; Graz, Ö. abstract 45: 35.
- A094 Tuma W, Weber E, Hassl A, Bünger G, Niebecker A, Maass G, Giesing M [1994]: Detection of Toxoplasma gondii nucleic acid in pregnancy. Lab med 18: 512-6.
- A110 Obwaller A, Hassl A, Picher O, Aspöck H [1995]: An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with whole trophozoites of Toxoplasma gondii from serum-free tissue culture for detection of specific antibodies. Parasitol Res 81: 361-4.
- A309a Hassl AR, Brückner H, Dsikowitzky L, Heiss AG, Knipping M, Laermanns H, Pichler B, Pint A, Sauer R, Stock F, Ladstätter S [2018]: Helminth Egg Deposition in the Antique Harbour of Ephesos. Abstractband der 36. Jahrestagung der Österr Ges Hyg Mikrobiol Präventivmed. 04.-07.06.2018; Graz, Ö. abstract 45: 35.
- A326a Knipping M, Brückner H, Dsikowitzky L, Hassl A, Heiss AG, Laermanns H, Pichler B, Pint A, Sauer R, Stock F, Wulf S, Ladstätter S [2019]: Humans and their environment in Ephesus and the Ephesia - A comparison of on-site and off-site palaeoecological data. 18th Conference of the International Workgroup for Palaeoethnobotany; June 3-8, 2019; Lecce, Italy. Abstract book. 123.
- A333 Stock F, Laermanns H, Pint A, Knipping M, Wulf S, Hassl AR, Heiss AG, Ladstätter S, Opitz S., Schwaiger H, Brückner H [2020]: Human-environment interaction in the hinterland of Ephesos - As deduced from an in-depth study of Lake Belevi, west Anatolia. Quaternary Science Reviews: 106418.
M3.3 External adequate publications
- BIOMED I-1 Baert A-E et al. edt. [1995]: Biomedical and Health Research. The BIOMED I Programme. IOS Press, Amsterdam, Oxford, Tokyo, Washington DC: 228-9.
- BIOMED I-2 Baert A-E et al. edt. [1995]: Biomedical and Health Research. The BIOMED I Programme. IOS Press, Amsterdam, Oxford, Tokyo, Washington DC: 564-5.
- Bocksleitner M [2018]: Methodische Aspekte der Paläoparasitologie anhand mittelalterlicher Stichproben aus St. Pölten. Diplomarbeit an der Medizinischen Universität Wien; 60 pp.